Mission Motorworks


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Whether you wish to prepare your car for sale or have a specialist car which needs some TLC - Mission Bodyshop have undertaken this work for customers all over the world - see our Facebook page for examples.

We routinely work with both trade and private customers in preparation work so that their cars are presented in the best possible condition. This work can range from comprehensive detailing to a through vehicle check over so that all body and mechanical aspects of a vehicle are in factory condition.

We also undertake modification work - in fact this is the cornerstone of our business and the type of work we have been undertaking for 20 years - ranging from body, mechanical and suspension enhancements.

We also undertake car inspections for buyers who want to capitalise on our expertise and ensure they know EXACTLY what they are buying. As an example - We handle this work for our sister company Mission Prestige which buy and sell specialist cars for customers all over the world - where trust in our judgement determines the outcome of a prospective purchase. Get expert advice BEFORE you buy a car - mistakes can be costly!

- Concours preparation
- Sales preparation
- Remedial paintwork correction
- Modification and enhancements
- Car inspections all over the UK


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Registered Company Number: 11594768
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